与全球运动及户外品牌、零售商、行业协会紧密协商后,慕尼黑博览集团做出两项开创性的决定:从即日起,慕尼黑国际体育用品博览会(ISPO Munich)将从每年1月移至11月底的初冬季节举办。慕尼黑国际户外用品博览会(OutDoor by ISPO)将从每年6月底挪至5月底或6月初举办。
ISPO Munich 2022
OutDoor by ISPO
受近年来市场变化的影响,两大展会的档期调整是一项战略决策。行业生产和零售正面临着全球供应链的重大转变,这也导致订货周期随之变化。因此,如维持原先的举办档期——ISPO Munich每年的1月或2月举办,对许多行业参与者而言为时过晚。此外,OutDoor by ISPO提前档期,也能更好地适应新的订货周期。
“当行业发生变化时,我们也必须找到新的方法,”慕尼黑博览集团总裁兼首席执行官Klaus Dittrich先生表示:“全新的举办日期,是对当前及未来挑战的理想回应。更重要的是,这也为行业和贸易提供了全新的机会。”
作为整个行业和终端消费者的重要灵感来源,ISPO举办档期的永久性调整将为这一全球重要的国际贸易平台带来更多互联性和全新的意义。“未来,ISPO Munich不仅仅是行业顶级决策者的会面场所,或是各大品牌向市场传递重要信息的理想平台,还将成为全球体育用品行业的冬季首展,”Klaus Dittrich先生补充道:“在这里,零售商可以了解到当季的新产品并开启订购季,行业能做出具有影响力的重要决策,消费者亦能收获兴奋、启迪与激励。”
“我们正在创建一个全新的商业生态系统,通过适应不断变化的订货周期,ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO将获得更多行业互联性,”慕尼黑博览集团消费品业务负责人高拓(Tobias Gröber)先生说道。
ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO的档期调整,对参展商和专业观众而言受益良多:
- 展会档期处于行业专属订货周期的开端
- 每年参展商和专业观众能够更早地了解市场概貌
- ISPO Munich的消费节的各类活动和体验,将在冬季来临前激活更多终端消费者
“我们将把ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO的理念带入一个全新的维度,” 高拓先生表示。
为了优化展会效果,两大展会的举办时间将缩短至三天,且限定最大展位面积。目前,OutDoor by ISPO规划的最大展位面积为150平方米,ISPO Munich将为每个参展品牌提供最大200平方米的展位面积。
这一决定,是从由高拓先生负责的德国国际汽车及智慧出行博览会(IAA Mobility)汲取成功经验后做出的。移师慕尼黑的首场IAA展会,缩短了展会举办天数,同时对展位规模也做出了限定。
OutDoor by ISPO将巩固其重要行业贸易展的地位
随着ISPO Munich举办日期的调整,OutDoor by ISPO将成为2022年的首个ISPO贸易展。“我们正努力巩固OutDoor by ISPO作为行业重要国际贸易展会的地位,同时为所有对户外感兴趣的人们提供灵感来源,”Klaus Dittrich先生表示。
2022年6月12-14日,OutDoor by ISPO将亮相慕尼黑会展与采购中心(MOC Veranstaltungscenter München)及其附近的前铁路维修厂,为参展品牌的舞台呈现和活动形式提供全新机会。
明年6月的档期相对于从2023年开始更早的举办时间是一个过渡。2023年,OutDoor by ISPO将于5月22-24日再次在慕尼黑展览中心举行。此后,这一展会将固定于每年的5月底或6月初举办。“这一决定,不仅得到了OutDoor by ISPO顾问委员会的广泛认可,亦得到了许多行业参与者的认可,”高拓先生说道。
“与行业伙伴及零售商共同做出这一决定的成果,将使整个行业长期受益于ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO的全新定位,”Klaus Dittrich先生表示:“我们确信,从2022年开始,两大贸易展将比以往任何时候,都更具创新性、开拓性、互联性和活跃性。”
Mark Held
为了进一步证明合作诚意,慕尼黑博览集团也调整了ISPO Munich的举办时间,以确保展会对户外和体育用品行业而言均是一个关联性强的成功活动。我为慕尼黑博览集团ISPO团队的勇气鼓掌,并殷切期盼明年6月在慕尼黑OutDoor by ISPO现场与所有人见面。”
Arne Strate
出于这些原因,很高兴慕尼黑博览集团的团队认真倾听了我们成员以及户外行业的整体需求。他们同意将OutDoor by ISPO的举办日期提前至2022年的6月上旬,并在2023年提前至5月底举办。”
David Ekelund
“我们相信,全新的日期恰到好处,OutDoor by ISPO和ISPO处于正确的市场档期中。我们非常高兴能在线下与大家相聚,凝聚士气,并有机会向大家展示Scandinavian设计团队的杰作!我们保证会重磅回归,欢迎大家在2022年莅临慕尼黑!”
Andrew Denton
OurDoor by ISPO顾问委员会委员
“经过多次讨论、调研以及与行业的沟通,我们非常支持OutDoor by ISPO和ISPO Munich调整举办档期。目前,供应链问题和延期交付对整个行业而言是一个全球性的问题。我们必须提前准备,在后疫情时代,找到合适的时间、合适的地点、正确的合作伙伴,开启贸易会面。OIA将尽全力支持ISPO,并期待于2022年在慕尼黑见到所有的成员伙伴。”
Antje von Dewitz
CEO VAUDE Sport GmbH & co. KG
“我很高兴ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO都能及时做出调整,从而成为真正的行业贸易灯塔。新冠疫情导致了行业长时间的交流中断,也证明了:通过展览会,品牌与零售之间关于行业趋势、亮点、创新的交流,对行业的情感凝聚及专业互动是多么重要。两大展会的档期调整,将更加凸显这一重要性。VAUDE一定会参展ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO。”
Ronny Höhn
Managing Director Bergfreunde
“我认为OutDoor by ISPO提前档期,是重要且正确的一步,因为这可以更好地反映订单和季节规划周期,从而满足零售商的需求。”
Andy Schimeck
Managing Director Equip Deutschland GmbH
“经过户外及体育用品行业、体育和户外贸易重要合作方与慕尼黑博览集团的紧密协调,OutDoor by ISPO和ISPO Munich的全新举办档期将在未来满足所有人的需求。我们确定,明年6月以及未来5月举办的OutDoor by ISPO将为全球行业注入全新动力。整个户外行业一起,将激发全球对于未来跨界融合主题的关注。我十分期待明年6月和11月的展会,相信所有合作伙伴和业界同仁亦是如此。只有大家聚集在一起,我们才会变得更加强大。”
Benjamin Thaller
“贸易展对行业而言仍是非常重要的存在。展览会是户外行业的会面场所,不仅是我们展示的场所,更有利于我们发现和分享。行业在经历了两年专业贸易展的缺席后,我们很高兴OutDoor by ISPO在2022年可以提前举办。6月初举办,符合供应商的市场预期,也能满足供应链的现实需求。届时,Outdoor Sports Valley将以‘Camp de Base’展台亮相,汇聚来自法国户外行业的相关品牌,为他们提供进入全球户外市场并获得成功的关键机会。2022年6月12日,让我们在慕尼黑不见不散。”
Michel Gogniat
Sales Director at Ternua Group
“在过去的两年里,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化。我们的行业在很多方面亦受到了严重的影响,供应链就是其中一方面。这也让比以往更早见到重要合作伙伴变得至关重要。慕尼黑博览集团的团队,一如既往地非常关注我们的需求,并积极寻找解决方案。我们十分期待回到慕尼黑,再次体验ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO充满活力的展会氛围。”
Hans-Hermann Deters
“我们确信,行业需要一个强大的贸易展会。随着ISPO展会日期的重新调整,慕尼黑博览集团展示了他们对市场和客户的了解。在全新日期下,ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO将再次获得重要的行业互联性。理想的新日期,让两大展会分别成为行业开季首展,为业界会面提供理想场所。与SPORT2000的管理团队一样,我相信我们的零售商会选择这一平台。ISPO主办方的这一决定,不仅满足了我们的期望,亦符合零售商的需求。因此,我们非常期待,在正确的时间和理想的场所,与所有重要的参与者一起迎接此次盛会。”
Natascha el Mahmoud
General Manager Commercial Europe Jack Wolfskin
Martin Riebel
CEO Schwan Stabilo Outdoor Gruppe
“在新冠疫情前,为ISPO Munich和OutDoor by ISPO寻找合适的档期就不是一件容易的事情,而疫情也恰恰成为了一个催化剂。设定全新的档期,是具有重要意义的,因为两大展会现在终于成为了每年行业贸易启动前的理想驱动平台,买家们通过展会可以提前获取全球新趋势、品牌以及创新的前沿讯息。”
For 2022, this means that ISPO Munich 2022 will now take place from November 28 to 30, 2022 (Monday to Wednesday). The new date for OutDoor by ISPO 2022 is June 12 to 14, 2022 (Sunday to Tuesday).
The permanent shift in dates is a strategic decision due to the far-reaching market changes of recent years. Industry and retail are facing major shifts in the global supply chain, which also caused hanges to order cycles. Scheduling ISPO Munich in January or February, as was previously the case, is therefore too late for many industry participants. The permanently brought-forward date for OutDoor by ISPO also works much better with the new order cycles.
“When the industry changes, we also have to find new ways,” says Klaus Dittrich, CEO of Messe München. “The new dates are the ideal response to current and future challenges. Above all, they offer completely new opportunities for industry and trade.”
Inspiration and activation to kick off the season: A new ecosystem for industry, trade and consumers
The permanent move of the dates will give the leading international trade shows even more relevance and a completely new significance as an important source of inspiration for both the entire industry and the end consumer. “In the future, ISPO Munich will not only be the meeting place for the industry’s top decision-makers and the ideal platform for brands to place the most important messages for the market, but also the worldwide kick-off event for the winter season,” says Klaus Dittrich. “This is where retailers get an overview of the season’s new products and can then start the ordering season, where decisions of industry-wide significance are made, and where consumers are excited, inspired and activated at the same time.”
“We are creating a completely new business ecosystem here, where ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO gain more relevance by adapting to the changing order cycles,” says Tobias Gröber, head of the Consumer Goods Business Unit at Messe München.
New dates offer exhibitors and trade visitors concrete advantages
The realignment of ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO has numerous advantages for exhibitors and trade visitors:
- The dates are now at the beginning of the industry-specific order cycles in each case
- From now on, exhibitors and trade visitors will have an earlier overview of the market each year
- With the consumer festival at ISPO Munich, end consumers will be activated for the coming winter season through events and experiences
“We will take the concept of ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO into a new dimension,” promises Tobias Gröber.
For optimal impact, the duration of both events will be shortened to three days and a maximum size for booths will be introduced. Currently, a maximum of 150 square meters of booth size is planned for OutDoor by ISPO and a maximum of 200 square meters of booth size per exhibiting brand for ISPO Munich.
This decision was made after the positive experiences with IAA MOBILITY, for which Tobias Gröber was also responsible. The duration of this trade fair was also shortened with its move to Munich and the size of the booths was limited for the first time.
OutDoor by ISPO is strengthened as a leading trade show
With the decision to move ISPO Munich, OutDoor by ISPO in June will be the first ISPO trade show in 2022. “We are thus strengthening the position of OutDoor by ISPO as the leading international trade show for the outdoor industry and a source of inspiration for everyone interested in the outdoors,” says Klaus Dittrich.
Next year, OutDoor by ISPO, from June 12 to 14, 2022, will be held once at the MOC Veranstaltungscenter and the former railroad repair plant located in the immediate vicinity , thus offering new opportunities for brand staging and event formats.
The June date is an interim step to an even earlier date starting in 2023. For 2023, OutDoor by ISPO is again scheduled for May 22-24 at the trade fair center in Munich-Riem. It will then be held permanently at the end of May/beginning of June. “We have received broad approval for this decision not only from the advisory board of OutDoor by ISPO, but also from many other industry participants,” says Tobias Gröber.
“As a result of the decision we have made together with the industry and retail, the industry will benefit long term from the new orientation of ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO,” says Klaus Dittrich. “We can already promise that both trade shows will be more innovative, pioneering, relevant and activating than ever from 2022 onwards.”
What our partners say
Mark Held, President European Outdoor Group
“The new timing better reflects the realities of the market now and in the future, and creates an international beacon event for all stakeholders at the right time – before the majority of the seasonal order business is conducted. For me, this is also a powerful representation of our ongoing positive, constructive, and successful partnership with Messe München and a great example of true pre-competitive collaboration at its finest.
As further evidence of this collaboration, Messe München is now also bringing forward its ISPO Munich dates, going out of the way to ensure that the event remains a relevant and successful gathering for both the outdoor and sporting goods sectors. I applaud the team at Messe München for their courage in implementing these major changes for such important events and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in Munich at OutDoor by ISPO in June next year.”
Arne Strate, General Secretary European Outdoor Group “The European Outdoor Group has undertaken extensive research, with our members and with other individuals and organisations in the industry, and it’s very clear that trade shows will remain an integral part of the business year for the wider outdoor and sporting goods sectors. When held at the right time, there is simply nothing as effective and efficient for providing a full overview of the market, new products, and global trends, or for catching up with peers and colleagues in just a few short days.
For these reasons, we are extremely pleased that the team at Messe München have listened to the needs of our members and the wider outdoor industry. They have agreed to bring the date of our joint show, OutDoor by ISPO, forward to the first half of June in 2022 and even earlier in 2023 to the end of May.”
David Ekelund, Chair of the board, Scandinavian Outdoor Group
“Yes! Though we were really excited to get together, have a boost of energy and get the chance to show case what has been cocking in the Scandinavian design teams – we do believe that the new dates are just right and will put Outdoor and ISPO in the right place in the calendar. We promise to be back with a bang! Everybody to Munich 2022!”
Andrew Denton, CEO of the UK’s Outdoor Industries Association, member of the OutDoor by ISPO advisory board
“After much debate, survey work and reaching out to the industry we are pleased to support the new earlier dates of OutDoor by ISPO and the ISPO Munich (Originalzitat: Winter-sports ISPO) show. Supply chain issues, and delays are a global problem for the entire industry right now, it is essential we get ahead of them and as we return to a post-Covid world we have trade meeting points that are in the right place, with the right partners and at the right time. The OIA will do all it can to support ISPO and look forward to seeing our members in Munich in 2022.”
Antje von Dewitz, CEO VAUDE Sport GmbH & co. KG
“I am very pleased that both ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO (the latter especially from 2023) will be moved significantly forward in time and thus become real leading trade fairs. The long-forced break by Covid has shown us that the exchange between brands and retail about trends, highlights and innovations through these trade fairs is important for the emotional cohesion and professional interaction in our industry. The early timing clearly supports this meaningfulness. We at VAUDE will definitely be represented at both trade fairs.”
Ronny Höhn, Managing Director Bergfreunde
“I consider the fact that the OutDoor by ISPO trade fair will take place earlier in the year in future to be an important and correct step, as it better reflects the order and season planning cycle and thus meets the needs of retailers.”
Andy Schimeck, Managing Director Equip Deutschland GmbH
“In close coordination between the outdoor and sporting goods industry, the important partners in the sports and outdoor trade and Messe München, we have succeeded in setting the leading global trade fairs, OutDoor by ISPO and ISPO Munich, on dates that suit all partners in the future. We are certain that the trade fair in June and in future in May will set the impulses for the industry worldwide. And together we, as the outdoor industry, will generate worldwide visibility for the cross-sector themes of the future. I am looking forward to strong trade fairs in June and November and appeal to all partners and colleagues to do the same. Only together are we strong.”
Benjamin Thaller, Executive Director of Outdoor Sports Valley
“The trade show remains a key moment for the industry. It is a meeting place of the outdoor sector where we can not only exhibit but also, discover and share. After 2 years of “No show” we are excited to see OutDoor by ISPO coming back in 2022 with earlier dates. Beginning of June fits with the market expectations of suppliers in order to match the reality of supply chain. Outdoor Sports Valley will be present at the show with the “Camp de Base” booth gathering brands of the French outdoor industry in order to provide them with a key opportunity to enter and succeed on worldwide outdoor market. See you in Munich on June 12.”
Michel Gogniat, Sales Director at Ternua Group
“In the last two years, we have all faced huge changes in our lives. Our industry was also severely impacted in many ways, one of them being the supply chain. This makes it crucial to be able to meet all our key partners much earlier than it used to be. Messe Munchen’s team has been, as usual, very attentive to our needs and proactive to find solutions. We really look forward to be back to Munich and experience again the vibrant atmosphere of ISPO Munich and OutDoor by ISPO.”
Hans-Hermann Deters, CEO SPORT 2000 GmbH
“We’re convinced the industry needs a strong leading trade fair. With the reorientation of the dates, Messe München is demonstrating proximity to both the market and customers. With the new dates, the course has now been set for ISPO Munich an OutDoor by ISPO to gain significant relevance again. The new dates are ideal for the respective saison kick-off and will certainly make the trade fairs the place-to-be. Together with the SPORT2000 management team I’m certain our retailers will use this platform. The decision made by the ISPO organisers has met both our expectations and the wishes of retailers. So we’re definitely looking forward to events with all the important participants, at the ideal location and now also at the right time!”
Natascha el Mahmoud, General Manager Commercial Europe Jack Wolfskin
“With ISPO being moved to November, the trade fair is gaining in importance for us. It marks the official start of our sell-in process and thus creates great added value for all our customers. They can get an overview of the upcoming trends and highlights of the season at exactly the right time at the fair.”
Martin Riebel, CEO Schwan Stabilo Outdoor Gruppe “Finding the right dates for the major flagship trade shows ISPO and Outdoor by ISPO was a thorny issue long before Corona. As with so many things, Corona has now once again acted as an accelerator. The newly set dates make absolute sense because they now finally serve as a perfect pre-orientation for the trade before the first shopping appointments, and buyers can get a global overview of new trends, brands and innovations.“